To be or not to be... vegan

Hey everyone!! So this week I feel like the idea of being vegetarian and vegan got brought up a lot for some reason. One of my friends recently went vegetarian, and not because she decided she no longer likes meat, but because she wants to feel and live healthier. I personally could never give up meat but I totally get what she means about feeling better in general. This new change in her lifestyle did get me thinking thought about how you can have a healthy balance of meat, carbs, vegetables and even dessert. So I decided to look up some healthy recipes that allow you to have some diversity within your meals but also don't make you feel gross after eating. I think that it is all about balance and in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle you need to stay consistent. Anyway, that just got me thinking about my own lifestyle so I linked the recipes I found to this post. Hopefully you guys try them out and like them!!! Have an awesome weekend everyone :)...