About Me

My name is Tyla Martin and I am a fourth year telecommunications major at the University of Florida.
I was born and raised in South Florida and love all things that have to do with the beach and sun! 
Some of my hobbies include swimming, shopping, and running a food Instagram with my friend. 
We got super into "trendy foods" that all millennials seem to be apart of these days and decided to create an Instagram to show the places we have been and want to go.
It gave us a really good excuse to travel and find some unique places and we were also able to get a ton of recommendations from people that we would have never found ourselves. 
I turned 21 over the summer and have a younger brother who is still in high school. 
When I first started college I had some idea of what I wanted to do but was never really set so I originally was a journalism major and then realized I had a more specific dream career in mind.
I love all things sports and entertainment news related so I felt like the news track was more relevant for me and my career goals. 
After my freshman year I changed my major to telecommunication news and have loved it.
Most people don’t know this but I was a swimmer my whole life and I swam my freshman year at UF on the Women's Swimming and Diving Team. 
I have a background in athletics and have so much respect for collegiate and professional athletes so I think that is a big part of why I would be interested in doing something with sports or entertainment. 
I am a huge basketball, football, and of course swimming fan so I think it would be amazing to be a sideline reporter for ESPN or even host a talk show.
I love the major I chose because I feel like it gives me a few different opportunities and it is broad enough to where I have the chance to explore different career paths.
I am graduating in May and am nervous to be out in the real world but am also so excited to see where I end up. 


  1. Learning about your love for trendy foods is awesome. With the growing world of social media, it's amazing what people can do with their pages. Who knows, maybe one day you could be paid for everything you post! The Telecommunications- News program at UF really sets students up for success and it's nice to hear that you are taking advantage of many different avenues for your future career!


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