Millennials and Their "Trendy" Food

Taking pictures of what we are doing in the exact moment that we are doing it has always been what millennials have been best at. However, our favorite activity to capture these days seems to be food.  Specifically what we are eating and where we are eating it. Can anyone honestly say they are surprised that food pictures are so in now? Think about it, the one thing that everyone has in common is food. Everyone loves food, everyone loves trying new things, and everyone especially loves being trendy. So, it is no surprise that the next big internet sensation became about our obsession with getting the perfect Instagram worthy picture of our breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 
Advertising and marketing agencies are now looking at how influential peoples posts about food might actually be. We live in a generation where just about anyone and everyone has some form of social media, so it is reasonable that the best way to reach an audience is through a social media platform. An article published on AlJazeera even credited social media as one of the main reasons for avocados and unicorn frapuccinos becoming such a hit. But it is true! You can't tell me that after seeing that colorful and magical looking drinking on every single snapchat story you watched that you didn't immediately run to Starbucks...because I know I did. I had to get a snapchat of the drink even after I was told by many that it did not even taste that great. Anything for the snap though! I think that alone goes to show you just how influential social media really is. 
When you think about it people are obsessed with showing you the best part of their lives and how cool and "trendy" they are, so when you visit a restaurant in New York that the Kardashians go to on a regular basis, of course you have to post a picture on all your forms of social media. Being vegan, eating acai bowls, and finding the best avocado toast in town is so in these days because of social media and I genuinely think that if people did not snapchat such pretty pictures of these particular foods that we would not even care about what they were. I think back to a few years ago when I never even heard of acai bowls and I look at myself now and realize I have probably been to at least ten different places, comparing one to the other, searching for the best acai. It is crazy to think just how much our obsession with food pictures has not only influenced restaurants but the way food in general is marketed today. We obviously are not the only generation to have a genuine love for food so it is cool that we were the generation to bring it to the forefront of social media so everyone could participate in this foodie obsession.

I think it is actually really cool that we can post a picture of food and tag where it is because we all know that at least one of our followers is wondering when you see that amazing piece of avocado toast where you are, so how convenient is it that you don't even have to ask the person where they got their food from? Life changing in my eyes, I couldn't even imagine not having the classic geotag of where I am on any given day anymore. I love my food Instagram and I love that so many other people do too. It is nice to know that there is something we all have in common, and in the world we live in today we need some happiness. I couldn't name a better way to bring joy to others than by sharing deliciously tasting pictures of my photogenic food!!!


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